QP/C++  8.0.0
Real-Time Embedded Framework
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NQPQP/C++ framework
 NQFQF Active Object Framework
 CAttrPrivate attributes of the QF framework
 NQVNon-preemptive kernel
 CAttrPrivate attributes of the QV kernel
 CQActiveActive object class (based on the QHsm implementation strategy)
 CQAsmAbstract State Machine class (state machine interface)
 CQAsmAttrAttribute of for the QP::QAsm class (Abstract State Machine)
 CQEQueueNative QP event queue
 CQEvtEvent class
 CQFreeBlockStructure representing a free block in QP::QMPool
 CQHsmHierarchical State Machine class (QHsm-style state machine implementation strategy)
 CQMActiveActive object class (based on QMsm implementation strategy)
 CQMPoolNative QF Memory Pool
 CQMsmHierarchical State Machine class (QMsm-style state machine implementation strategy)
 CQMStateState object for the QP::QMsm class (QM State Machine)
 CQMTranActTableTransition-Action Table for the QP::QMsm State Machine
 CQPSetSet of Active Objects of up to QF_MAX_ACTIVE elements
 CQSubscrListSubscriber List (for publish-subscribe)
 CQTicker"Ticker" Active Object class
 CQTimeEvtTime Event class
 CFilterQS type for output filters (global and local)
 CQActiveDummyDummy Active Object for testing
 CQHsmDummyDummy abstract state machine class for testing
 CQK_AttrPrivate attributes of the QK kernel
 CQSpyIdQS ID type for applying local filtering
 CQXK_AttrPrivate attributes of the QXK kernel
 CQXMutexBlocking Mutex of the QXK preemptive kernel
 CQXSemaphoreCounting Semaphore of the QXK preemptive kernel
 CQXThreadEXtended (blocking) thread of the QXK preemptive kernel
 CTProbeQUTest Test-Probe attributes