QM  7.0.0
Model-Based Design Tool
No Matches
Status Bar

ToolbarsNew Model Dialog Box

The Status Bar is a horizontal bar at the bottom of the QM™ main window for presenting status information. The Status Bar is visible when the checkbox in the  View->Status Bar  menu is checked.

Diagram Status Bar

The information displayed in the Status Bar depends on the type of the active MDI subwindow. If a diagram window is active, the Status Bar shows a hint, zoom slider and buttons, and the (X,Y) coordinates of the mouse cursor. The coordinates are measured in the grid units from the top-left corner of the diagram.

Diagram Status Bar

File Status Bar

If a file window is active, the Status Bar shows a hint and (Line, Column) coordinates of the caret within the text. Lines are counted from 1 at the top of the file. Columns are counted from 1 at the left edge of the text.

File Status Bar

ToolbarsNew Model Dialog Box