QM  7.0.1
Model-Based Design Tool
No Matches
New Model Dialog Box

Status BarManage Tools Dialog Box

The New Model dialog box allows you to create a new QM™ model. This dialog box can be opened either from the File->New Model... menu, or by means of the New Model button in the File Toolbar, or by means of the Ctrl-N keyboard accelerator.

New Model dialog

The New Model dialog box has the following elements:

  • The Frameworks list allows you to choose one of the three currently supported frameworks (qpc or qpcpp) that provides you with base classes for derivation of your own classes, such as active objects, state machines, time events, etc. (NOTE: The QM™ Model is always based on one of the QP™ frameworks↑);
  • The Model Template list allows you to choose a non-empty "template" as a starting point for your model. If you don't select the template and leave it at "None", your model will be empty, except for the selected framework.
Model Templates are just QM models, perhaps incomplete, that you can create as a starting point for your other models.
  • The model Name allows you to type in the name of the model. This name is used to identify the model in the QM™ tool and for the Model File.
    NOTE: the model file name has the default extension .qm, which is added automatically
  • The model Location allows you to type in the absolute path of the model folder. Alternatively, you can click the button to open the standard directory-open dialog box. (NOTE: the model directory also provides the reference point for the code generation. The QM™ code generator creates all directories and files relative to the model file directory.)
  • The OK button creates the specified model
  • The Cancel button closes the New Model dialog box without any action.
The other way of creating a model in QM™ is to open an existing model (e.g., one of the examples) and use the File->Save As... menu to save it under a different name in a directory of your choice.

Status BarManage Tools Dialog Box