QM  7.0.1
Model-Based Design Tool
No Matches
Locking Model Items

Cut/Copy/PasteState Machines

High-level model items, such as the whole QM Model, Package Items, Directory Items, and File Items can be individually locked for editing, which is very useful for exploring or reviewing the model without the risk of inadvertently modifying the locked items.

The lock status of a given model item is visible in the Model Explorer (through the [locked] annotation), as well as in Status Bar and the Edit Toolbar, as shown below:

QM™ remembers the status of the Locked items in the QM Session File. In other words, when you open a Model File, QM™ restores the most-recent locked status of items from the QM Session File associated with the model.

Locking an Item

You can lock the Current Item with the popup-menu in Model Explorer (see the screen shot below), as well as the Edit->Lock menu or by pressing the Lock button () in Edit Toolbar while the item is selected as the Current Item.

Locing a package item
To lock the whole model, just lock the top-level model item.

Unlocking an Item

You can unlock the Current Item with the popup-menu in Model Explorer (see the screen shot below), as well as by pressing the button in Edit Toolbar.

Locked package item (note the [locked] annotation)

The Locked Mode Capabilities and Limitations

The Locked Mode allows you to conveniently explore and review the model without the risk of inadvertently changing the model. However, you can still change Current Item displayed by QM™ by clicking on any item in the diagram as well as in Model Explorer. You can also export selected shapes in the diagram in a graphic format (EMF or PNG). To remind you that you are in the locked mode, the diagram shows a mouse cursor with the padlock.

Cursor when you hover over a diagram background
Cursor when you hover over a selectable part of a shape
In the Locked Mode you don't get mouse cursors for moving or resizing shapes.

Also, as long as Current Item is locked, you can inspect the Property Editor of the Current Item.

Finally, you can view the files in the File System, but they are all switched to the read-only mode to prevent any edits.

Cut/Copy/PasteState Machines